Working with the BMI Saxon Clinic, we have taken a number of precautionary steps to minimise the risks to you by trying to ensure you do not have COVID-19 prior to admission. These include:
- Asking you to self-isolate for 14 days prior to surgery.
- You will be tested for COVID-19 prior to surgery.
- Asking you to let us know if you or anyone in your household experiences any COVID-19 symptoms at anytime during your self-isolation
- Checking whether you have any symptoms of COVID-19 when you arrive at the hospital.
Other than in an emergency, your surgery is likely to be postponed if it’s not possible to complete these checks or if you are infected with COVID-19 (including when an infection is suspected).
Despite these thorough checks, there is a small chance that you could be developing a COVID-19 infection at the time you have your operation even though you may be displaying no symptoms. Whilst the members of the team caring for you will be following strict infection control procedures and will wear appropriate personal protective equipment during your treatment, it is still possible that they or someone else with an unknown infection could pass it on to you. If you have any questions or concerns about your surgical treatment please raise them with your Consultant.